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House Republicans have launched an investigation into affirmative action in medical schools. Specifically, they are looking at the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredits medical schools.
In a letter to the committee, the Republicans said, “In particular, we write regarding Standard 3 and Element 3.3 of your accreditation standards. Standard 3 requires that a ‘medical school ensures that its medical education program occurs in professional, respectful, and intellectually stimulating academic and clinical environments, recognizes the benefits of diversity, and promotes students’ attainment of competencies required of future physicians.’”
The Republicans then ask a series of questions, such as, “Does LCME require and/or encourage medical schools to treat applicants differently based on the applicants’ race?” “Does LCME require and/or encourage medical schools to award scholarships based on recipients’ race?” and “Can a medical school satisfy Element 3.3 if the school chooses to treat its applicants, students, faculty, and staff equally, irrespective of their race?”
The person at the committee who handles press questions did not return a call to Inside Higher Ed.