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Private Colleges Battle Disconnects

Private presidents gather to mull the gaps between the challenges they face, the opportunities they see, a hostile public narrative and what they see as a very different reality.

A Library's Past

Two grad students convinced the University of Virginia to save and store its library's card catalog, arguing that researchers and historians can use the cards.

What’s in a Domain Name?

The wide availability of cheap new education-related web addresses is creating a headache for university brand managers.

Academic Minute: The Patient Experience in the NICU

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University at Albany Week, Beth DuFault, assistant professor in the department of marketing...

Poll on Higher Education's Affordability and Accessibility

Most adults in the U.S. (60 percent) say education beyond high school is available to anyone in the country who...

Law School Dean's $5 Million Retirement Payout

John F. O'Brien has been dean of New England Law, a freestanding law school, since 1988. The compensation package he'll...

The Candidates' Higher Ed Bidding Wars

Any proposal to spend federal dollars on higher education should concentrate on those who actually need the help, for otherwise it is money wasted, argues David Kirp.

New Programs: Digital Media Instruction, Neuroscience, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity

Northern Vermont University is starting an online M.A. in education with a concentration in digital media instruction. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...