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Sessions on alien spirituality, ghost hunting equipment and a case study in alien abduction headlined the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Paranormal Symposium, which included 17 hours of “logical, scientific and rational explanations of UFOs and other paranormal phenomenon.” About 20 people, including at least two faculty members, attended the third-annual weekend event, the Omaha World-Herald reported. It wasn’t immediately clear whether any aliens joined in the festivities.

Dave Pares, a professor of geography and meteorology, was among those leading discussions on the presence of life in outer space. "There's been more than one alien civilization that's been here, observing," Pares told the World-Herald. "They are here now, observing."

The extraterrestrial seems to be a popular topic at the college. Nebraska-Omaha has a Paranormal Society, a UFO Study Group and two weekly campus radio shows devoted to alien life.