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The Common Application limits the number of applications a person may file to 20. The Common App recently did a study on those who apply to many colleges and found they are a growing minority. The average number of applications was 4.63 in 2013–14, rising to 6.22 in the 2021–22 season. The proportion of applicants applying to more than 10 colleges in the Common App has increased from 8 percent to 17 percent during that time.
As compared to the those applying to fewer than five members, high-volume applicants who apply to 15 or more members are:
- Reporting SAT/ACT scores that are over 130 points higher, on average.
- More than six times as likely to have applied at least once via an early-decision plan.
- About eight times as likely to be applicants who selectively include test scores, depending on where they are applying.
- Roughly 2.5 times as likely to attend an independent (private) high school.