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Upskilling, Reskilling or Retiring: Responding to the Advent of AI

The anticipated replacement of human workers with generative AI apps has begun. Earlier this year IBM announced about 8,000 layoffs amid an AI-powered initiative.

Art Beyond the Mainstream

Artworks that challenge minds to grow.

Education First, Politics Second

It’s not just about Gaza. It’s about academic freedom, faculty autonomy and the boundaries between scholarship and activism.

University Decarbonization, Climate Change and ‘Growth’

Reading Growth: A History and a Reckoning and thinking about how universities will pay to transition to renewable energy sources.

A Culture of Denial

How Americans confront and process death.

Aesthetic Impoverishment

How commercialism, industrialism and minimalism erased artistry, ornamentation and craftsmanship from everyday life.

Does Solving Credit Mobility Require Retiring the Completion Agenda?

We need a paradigm shift in thinking about transfer and completion.

Swearing-at-the-LMS Season

Does the learning management system truly enhance instruction?