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Math Geek Mom: Elasticity

There is a concept used in calculus and economics called “elasticity.” This idea measures the percent change in one variable...

Student Affairs and #AltProDev at SXSW

According to the hosts of SXSW, the conferences and festivals that take place in March in Austin, Texas are all...

Another Note on Scholarly Publications

Two headlines this week on the subject of scholarly publications grabbed my attention this week, so I thought I would...

Solar flash mobs?

The past couple of weeks have been a wild ride. Financial markets around the globe have been rocky. Significant numbers...

Sources of Confusion

I’m always interested in what Project Information Literacy is up to. This week they have posted an interview with Sandra...


TW took the kids to visit her parents for the last few days, so The Dog and I have been...

Cancer as empowerment for women?

Last Sunday’s NYT profiled Kris Carr, whose film (“Crazy, Sexy, Cancer”), best-selling book series, and blog celebrate the author’s transformation...

Instructional Tech's Kill App

"There is something of a chicken-and-egg argument around instructional tech. Do faculty fail to demand new technology because they don't...