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Legal Win for Foreign Student Work Program

Federal judge upholds the popular optional practical training program in latest development in long-running lawsuit. The labor union that brought the lawsuit is appealing.

Academic Calls for Press Boycott Over Cancellation of Book on Thailand

National University of Singapore Press refused to publish a book critical of Thailand.

Scientists Urged to Change Out of Pajamas

Survey of Australian researchers also reveals unusual problems associated with working from home, including sleepwalkers gatecrashing Zoom calls.

Anger Over Ph.D. Dissertations on Amazon

Thousands of works produced at British university were available on Kindle services following mass scraping of online repository.

Turkish Refugee Academics' Problems Follow Them Abroad

Report says they face human rights violations in France, Germany and elsewhere.

Can Europe Build a DARPA?

The U.S. system for encouraging innovative research is the envy of Europe, but it will be hard to duplicate its success.

Death Threats and Research Misconduct Allegations

Case at Lund University, in Sweden, raises issues of fairness to the accused.

French Academics Fear Becoming Scapegoats in War on Terrorism

The education minister says “left-wing Islamism” is “wreaking havoc” in French universities.