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International Students Want to Return to China

They are turning to petitions and online appeals to make their case.

Russian Politics and Ph.D. Plagiarism

Study finds that half of the regional governors with Ph.D.s plagiarized them.

International Student Numbers Decline

A survey found that new international enrollments dropped by 43 percent this fall. It also provides the first glimpse of the effects of the pandemic on international exchange and insight into pre-pandemic trends.

Governance Mess at U of Delhi

Vice chancellor suspended for not filling key posts. Cases related to sexual harassment have been pending for two years.

The Biden Presidency and International Education

It's been a hard four years for supporters of international education. Experts expect a reset in international education policies under Biden, but caution that damage to the once-welcoming image of the United States can't be easily erased.

Paper on Chinese Influence Tests Academic Freedom in New Zealand

Professor investigated for paper, which was published in the U.S.

Bavarian Reforms Could Mark Start of U.S.-Style Education in Germany

More stratification and fees for international students are expected.

Departure of COVID-19 Expert Raises Questions About Retirement Rules

Mandatory retirement ages are common at Asia's universities.