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Great Article on Insidious Pedagogy

I spend more time in Blackboard then any other application / site. For the past 7 years Blackboard has been...

Dear Ray

Dear Ray, A quick note to say hello from your fans out in the higher ed. community. Hello. As President...

3 Things This Learning Technologist Can't Do

There are many many things related to learning technology that I have no ability to accomplish, but wish I had...

Apple's Podcast Producer for Lecture Capture?

The EDUCAUSE annual conference offers the best opportunity each year to spend time with educational technology companies in order to...

E-books and Colleges

This weekend Randall Stross asked "Will Books be Napsterized?" in the NYTimes. Writes Stross: "Until now, few readers have preferred...

Tandberg, Cisco and Lecture Capture

The announcement today of Cisco's offer of $3 billion to buy the video conferencing company Tandberg could potentially have significant...

The Hottest Ed Tech Company?

Techsmith is my choice for the hottest company in educational technology. Criteria: 1. Trajectory: The company's products and/or services are...

Podcasts for Learning Technology

Podcasts are essential for keeping up with news and trends at the intersection of learning and technology. Time is our...