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New Journal Focused on Reproducibility

Cambridge University Press is launching a new open-access journal to help address science’s reproducibility issues and glacial peer-review timelines. Experimental...

14 Departments at Princeton Drop the GRE

Fourteen graduate departments at Princeton University have dropped the Graduate Record Examination as a requirement for admissions to master's and...

Academic Minute: Language and Nationalism

Today on the Academic Minute, Douglas Dowland, associate professor of English at Ohio Northern University, looks at the powerful meanings...

Commercial Student Housing Sector Is Struggling

The performance of student housing properties that back commercial mortgage-backed securities has weakened in recent years and turned negative last...

2 More Emory Law Professors Reportedly Said the N-Word in Class

Emory University said Monday that it received reports of two separate incidents involving two adjunct professors who said the N-word...

Alaska Regents Vote to Consider Other Options

Regents at the University of Alaska voted Friday to consider other options beyond a consolidation of campuses, the Anchorage Daily...

Papa John's Pulls $20,000 in Scholarships From Simmons

Papa John's International is serving up more than pizza to the students of Simmons College. The fast food franchise is...

Alabama Uses App That Tracks Students in the Stadium

In an effort to keep fans in their student section seats, the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa has released an...