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A young mother, in her cap and gown, smiles at her baby girl's silliness.

Acknowledging the Silent Stigma of Student Parents

College students with children can feel out of place on their campuses. How can institutional leaders promote belonging and success among these learners?

The young adult male receives tutoring in the library from a peer so he can better understand the material.

Academic Success Tip: Elevating Embedded Tutors

A pilot program at Sam Houston State University encourages faculty members to add tutoring to gateway courses to improve student success. Early data shows a positive impact on passing rates.

A student with her forehead against a chalkboard with math equations on it

Minding the Perception Gap in College Math Classrooms and Beyond

Math educator Sheila Tabanli offers three instructional strategies that instructors teaching the “most hated subject” can integrate into courses to create a community of learners focused on compassion and connection.

A University of Houston student browses the on-campus food pantry, the Cougar Cupboard

Listen: Breaking Down Barriers to Basic Needs Resources

In a new episode of Voices of Student Success, hear about how basic needs insecurity impacts student thriving, solutions to address student needs and the role of partnerships in this work.

Ep. 127: Voices of Student Success: Breaking Down Barriers to Basic Needs Resources

Rising costs of living and increasing student housing rates have exacerbated college retention efforts as campus leaders look to tackle a rising concern: basic needs insecurity.

Counseling appointment for young Latino student in an office.

Supporting Student Support Service Staff

College students say faculty and advisers have a responsibility to help ease their stress. A new white paper identifies systemic ways to build capacity and provide trauma-informed care for personnel and learners.

A low-angle view of a teacher and his students learning in a classroom. A little boy in red is sitting at a desk showing the group his work on the computer.

Raising Up Black Male Teachers

Among the obstacles Black men face in their pursuit of higher education, a lack of representation or role models in their instructors is one of them. Programs to uplift and prepare Black male teachers can help reverse this trend.

Young men and women discussing at a café.

Campus Engagement Tip: Creating Forums for Civil Dialogue

Colleges and universities are exploring curricular and co-curricular settings to encourage critical thinking, free speech and respectful disagreement among students.