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Aid Applications From Undocumented Students Drop

Fewer undocumented immigrant students have applied for state-level financial aid in California so far this year, and state education officials...

Chapman U Gets $100 Million Pledge

Chapman University, a private institution based in Orange, Calif., this week announced that it will receive a $100 million donation...

Aftermath of Reporting Vandalism by an Athlete

After reporting that her car was vandalized by a star men's basketball player, a Kansas University women's basketball player has...

U of Puerto Rico Faces Massive Budget Cut

Ratings agencies are watching as turmoil unfolds at the University of Puerto Rico amid the island's continuing economic crisis. S&P...

Academic Minute: Religion and Guns

Today on the Academic Minute, David Yamane, professor of sociology at Wake Forest University, explores if religious people really do...

Compilation of Articles on Digital Accessibility

Inside Higher Ed is pleased to release today our latest print-on-demand compilation, "New Era of Digital Accessibility." You may download...

12-Hour Commute to Class With Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky (left), the noted linguist and political thinker who teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is this semester...

New Study on Computer-Mediated Remediation

A new report from the Community College Research Center at Teachers College at Columbia University finds that computer-mediated developmental math...