Howard University would be the only historically Black institution to earn the Carnegie Foundation’s coveted classification, but certainly not the last.
Cornell Interim President Accused of Violating Academic Freedom After Email Leaks
A professor’s accusation that another’s course is antisemitic and dangerous spilled out into public after the interim president weighed in and his private email was shared.
Survey: Majority of College Students Believe Their Vote Didn’t Matter in the Election
A mid-November Student Voice survey found over half of college students felt their vote didn’t make much of a difference in the 2024 general election.
Academic Probation Gets a Rebrand
College students who earn a 2.0 GPA or below are often at risk of dismissal. Leaders are now reimagining how academic probation is communicated to students and ways to make the policy less punitive.
Success Program Launch: Wraparound Support for Former Foster Youth, Homeless Students
A new program at Carlow University in Pennsylvania provides targeted support and outreach to students with foster care experience or who have experienced homelessness.
Ep. 134: Voices of Student Success: Life Design for Student Success
Integrating life design principles into students’ learning improves results in academics and the workforce.
Ep. 133: Voices of Student Success: The Evolution of the Campus Library
Libraries learn to integrate technology and student support resources to aid in equity and accessibility.
Ethan Webb of Mindsmith
This month’s episode of The Pulse podcast features Ethan Webb, founder and CEO of Mindstream.
Linda Bonnar of Upstrive
This month’s episode of The Pulse podcast features Linda Bonnar of Upstrive, an app aimed at measuring student well-being.